Diary by: URP(0blivion. days in green were good, yellows were okay oranges were soso and reds were bad.
26 April 2009...
Pretty sunny day here in the beaver's land. I spent some time on the forum (I'm spending more time on this forum than the clan website XD that was a great idea of yours Kristy <3 ). I wasn't on this afternoon, I had to make a film for my english class (I'll publish it on the website eventually). My english isnt that bad... but my friend's accent is horrible. We were not really prepared to do it, so it kinda suck lol, but anyway, I don't care, the english class teacher says I'm one of his best student, so he always give me a good note. Killa keeps asking me to play runescape with him... I'm srsly getting tired of his addiction. I might have a lvl 78 account, but hell...this game is boring...once u're high lvl like me, it's getting hard and long to lvl up... But anywayz, everyone respect you so you don't really have to be higher. Killa kept asking me to give him his skirt (he wore a skirt in the game, even if he's a man... He gave it to me cuz his inventory was full). I kept saying "nah" and then he was begging me to give him his skirt...It was pretty funny I must say, and I didnt give his skirt back yet. I played a NICE past RP with Kristy, Kate, URP(Brunswick (URP(Colt.45 decided to change his name) and some of girls's friends. I haven't played any past RPs in a while, so I was kinda confused at first, but I finally came up with an original storyline... I gotta remember 4 names now: Kizo, Golo, Gabe and Saike. We saved that game cuz Kristy had to go (and she was lagging like hell too -_-" ). Oh...I forgot to say...While we were RPing, some guy started an argue and said something that looked like: 0blivion has no right to be Kristy's bf. I think it was from Akhil.Whitewolf (I think its his name). But I'm not sure...I heard that stuff trough the grapevines (trough a bunch of / f chat from Kate121 to be exact...) That's ridiculous! That's none of his buisness anyway... Me and Kris love eachother, and there's nothing u can do against it. Makes me think... I'd like to see her face once for all... It's good to love someone for her personality, but if u never see her, that doesnt really help... Akhil banned me from op Jawoi, son of a.... OH YEAH! I forgot something else! My biggest fan alive (neykoma) said she loved me, and she dumped young (her old bf) to be with me, but since I'm already with Kris, I think she decided to go back with Young...Poor Young...lol.
24 April 2009...
So busy... Working at mc Donald and stuff... I had a nice break today, I spent lots of time on starcraft but also outside since no one of you were online becuz you had school today. I played a RP with Kristy, swindle and Kate but it wasnt really good...we saved and we're gonna continue it another time. I decided to make a mascot for clan URP today, Kristy said it should be a firefly and Wolfie said it should be named "Jerky". So our mascot is now a firefly named Jerky, isn't that awesome? Me and Kristy are now cyber bf/gf... Yeah I know, I once wrote in the diary cyber love was stupid, but oh well, I'm single and I always been curious, so why not give it a shot? Plus, Kristy is such a kind girl, she's intellectual, she's loyal and she's pretty mature for her age... And, she lives in Quebec too! Who knows...Maybe we'll meet eachother someday? We also had a clan meeting including me, Kristy, swindle and Wolfie joined later. We talked some important topics such as: We need more members, we need more people in the forum, we need a bot maker... And we recruited a guy called URP(Colt.45 .I ended my time on b.net by hosting a RP for swindle, wolfie, Colt, LordBrood and Panzer. I spent some time on youtube and drawing Jerky. I saw this fabulous video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3gMgK7h-BA&feature=related \m/
18 April 2009....
Good and bad things happened today. at the beggining of the day, Kris decided to create a forum for our clan! I helped her with some stuff and now the site is pretty much done. I spend my morning doing that. I wasnt on b.net between 12:30 and 10:30. Once I opened the computer, I read a e-mail coming from my friend killa[ck], he told me that someone stole my account 0blivion and would probly screw up my reputation... I asked Kate to help me with her hacks, but she refused to use them... I'm seriously thinking about making another account now, to start over, once for all... If I stay as URP(0blivion, people will think I'm a fake and will ban me. I cant do much to help it... I'lll think about it.
PS: I started to erase the diary text that was written 1 month ago, to reduce the diary's size.
17 April 2009...
Hehe... Today, I did the stupidest but maybe the smartest thing in my life: I subscribed to IHC Lottery! You must be asking yourself: «what the fuck is that all about?» well, first of all, the IHC is the "Institute of Human Continuity". This association is supposed to save a small population from a disaster that has 94% chance of happening in 2012. and they're gonna pick that small population with a lottery. so suscribe now and get a chance to survive at 2012 ! http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/ ... lol....I feel paranoid. Oh well, have fun exploring the website, it's filled with interesting stuff about the possible apocalypse. Enough of apocalyptic stuff now... I played lots of melee with Kris and Khaoz. And I kicked the shit out of URP(Coldplasma in one of them :D .I now have 7 victories. I visited clan Mp channel (op metroid_prime) and they have a bot and a bunch of active member... I start to envy them... Do your best to find a bot programer, we seriously need one. I can't remember much about today... Let's say it was a nice day ;)
13 April 2009...
Gawd, I'm sick... Why do everytime I go on a trip, I come back with a cold, a flu or even diarhea? Now I can barely speak and my troath hurts as hell. Whatever, I had fun at Ottawa, messing with my sister and visiting my cousin... I had chocolate for Easter as always, and I listened to all my granpa's stories about Jesus. Even if I'm an atheist, I always liked to Bibble stories, there's lots of useful things you can learn from them. I finaly could buy my fucking crayola coloured pencils and now I'm having lots of fun to draw with them (I posted another drawing in the clan art). Now that I'm back at La Tuque, I can finally see my cats and my dogs. I played starcraft a lil bit today, I played 2 melee with kate and syndi, we were in the same team against comps. Kate was...not rly good... Me and Syndi pwned the comps by ourself. I talked about how mangas are stupid and irealistic with Syndi and I GranTed showed me nice videos on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWsuzRmqDuw&feature=related I dunno why. but I laughed fucking hard and really long when I saw that crap. Nice remixed soundtrack from LotR btw... and Khaoz is asking me to make his profile...I'll eventually do it, don't worry Khaoz, but I'm too lazy to do it tonight =/ maybe tomorrow. I added some shit on my website and I keep farting for absolutely no reason... Kristy, u're lovely :3 (for those who didnt know, kristy is syndi XD)
10 April 2009...
It was a pretty gay day here in Canada, I spent some time on b.net and worked at mc donald at 4:30 pm. Today, I made Wolfie's and Syndi's profile on the site, and I'm planning on doing Khaoz's one tomorrow, at Ottawa. Yes, I'm going to Ottawa this week-end, so it emans I wont be on b.net... Tho, I'll be working on the site and looking at my e-mails. I recruited 4 guys today (1 of them was a girl :3 ). I remember of: URP(RyRy, URP(FallenAngel and URP(Neil. I dont remember the other one (or even if there's another one). RyRy procclaimed herself as the "minister of all ministers", Neil disturbs some clan members and Fallen seems alright. I hope they'll like our clan. I had a shitty RP with kate, syndi and wolfie. And uhm...well I think thats it for today.... Now, yesterday... I played 3 RPs. One was completely stupid (my principal character was Rick Astley) and then it turned up into a Hollywood stars fight. The second one lasted 1 minute, me and swindle needed to finish a saved RP. And then, the last one was with Swindle and Sam. Sam worked on his base the whole time, while me and swindle were RPing. And then, Sam's Internet crashed so he got dropped. Me and swindle finished the RP, like if nothing happened. Oh...and I discovered this day that Sam was reading my diary. The day before yesterday I only remember that I went on Sam's website www.metroidprime.synthasite.com and I looked over EVERYTHING on it (I know, it has been really long) and I came up to this conclusion: Sam doesnt have a creative mind. All of his RPing characters has been taken from a game (mostly Kingdom Heart) and he seems to have difficulties to seperate his imagination from the reality. I'm sure it would help if he could see a psychologist... Whatever... Good night guys, and I can't wait to be at Ottawa! :)
6 April 2009... already?
Uh....wtf? How could I manage to forget to write on the diary during all this time XD. I was very busy I must say... Today I worked at McDonald's (Havent worked in 2 week cuz they recruited new people again). didnt have time to go on b.net, srry guys... Now I'll tell you what I remember of the days I havent write anything. Xe"something"[KH] and Moogle[KH] (who once been URP(Azune) came in the clan channel and start saying that clan URP was bullshit and I was gay and some stuff like that... then Neko came in the channel and got him and his clan insulted too. Did I defend myself? A lil bit...but I was mostly laughing at their childish attitude...I mean, I'm better than they are, so what's the point in joinning a fight like that? And then, Sam just came in the channel too. he sat next to me while Xe and Moo were spamming insults, he asked me how clan URP was going and we talked a lil bit. then he asked to Xe and Moo to shut their mouth and he punished them. Sam decided to make an alliance between clan KH and URP (No guys, that doesnt mean you're forced to like them, I know most of you hate KH). I only accepted this alliance so our clans would stay neutral to eachother in the future. Oh yeah, while Xe and Moo were insulting eachother, a nice guy (matt505) came in the channel and was kinda disturbed by what those people were saying, once they left, he decided to join the clan and I must say I've never met a guy so phylosophic on bénet before, and he RPs well to, I hope we'll become great friends ^^ . I RPed with him, Blaze Wolfie and a random guy that isnt in the clan. we banned that guy since he was only doing shit. Wolfie always making interesting but terribly humorstic RPs XD , Matt was Rping well and made a very well made base and his base leader (who was a total facist tyrant) was called "Sam Aran" XD and Blaze...Well...you just screwed up the RP =/ . Oh, and before this RP, I almost made a RP with matt and Sam, but Sam left cuz of a "virus". You guys must probably think I'm disgusting or something... But I was just curious to see if he improved his RPing skills... You guys should know I'm terribly curious... Sam seems to think I'm his friend... Well, at least its better that way than if he'd insult me or threatened to kill me... I dumped my gf since I never really loved her...I knew it would end that way from the start. There's almost no more snow where I live, except in the mountain, as usual... I was surprised when I saw the rain falling today, at this time, during previous years, there was still about 3 feet of snow on the side of the roads, fucking global warming... I hope you guys are not contributing too much to it, I'm doing my best to economize any kind of energy and recycle. We only have one home, and its called Earth... Lets take care of it.
2 April 2009...
Today's my brother's b-day. Nothing much happened at school xcept that a lil 8th grade girl is in love with me. I finally finished RP Mirage and spread it a lil bit, I hope u guys will do the same. Blaze keeps thinking that everyone beside him is a fag. Shun left DST and asked to join URP, Phaze didnt want to so I said no. Sam admitted that the clan DST was dead, he lost the war before he even started it...I'm happy to see that the clan members weren't only mindless thralls... Viva la revolution! I hope I wont see Sam again... And I hope he'll change his website a bit... And I hope he'll get mature one day... Beast (Shun) is really in love with Phaze...
1 April 2009...
nothing really special happened during this April fool day...Some idiot spread a rumor that a virus would be realeased today, but nothing happened, of course...ITS THE APRIL FOOL DAY! I said to a girl I dont even know: «U'RE A FUCKING BITCH!.... APRIL FOOL! :D» I deducted from the look on her face that she was disturbed as hell :P . A new fucking insane starcraft 2 unit has been realeased today, everyone must have crapped his pants when they saw it : The Terra-Tron. Can you imagine that a whole fucking terran base can transform itself in a gigantic transformer-like mech?!? I worked on RP Mirage, I added a nice high mountain on the North of the map (I always liked to put the high terrain there). Disable doodad and wander triggs are operational, and I also added beacon spawning trigg. I'm thinking about adding an Easter Egg, but I dont want to put any sound since it makes the map file huge and long to download. Blaze said that GranTed left the clan because of a blasphemy thing... I dunno if its true, but if it is, well it sucks. URP(Syndicate was trying to rapes URP(swindle (yeah, I know,A girl trying to rape a guy is the kind of thing you'll see about 1 or 2 time in a life...) and I've got myself naked and danced around (in a channel RP of course -_-). I miss Frizzy and Halo, havent seen them in a while...Oh and DST]Shun_Aran once again come in the channel and wanted to know Phaze's account name. I'm sure he's trying to send somekind of spambot or stealing his password so I didnt gave him his account name, and I once again said I'd rather stay neutral to clan DST, once again swindle got a bit too agressive during the dialog...
31 March 2009
Mmmm....I think we over reacted on DST case... And they also over reacted... Now everyone in clan URP want to start a war, and DST are sending spies in our clan (apparently Azuna was a spy)... Anyway, I cant see what kind of useful information they can get by spying our clan... I'll stay neutral against DST, but you guys can start a war against them (yeah, I must admit they promote tyranny and bad RPs, but they are just like anyone else on b.net for me). I wont join the war if it happens tho (not becuz I dont wanna help our clan, but becuz its a waste of time). URP(Blaze says that when URP(Halo gets back on, he'll fire spam bots at clan DST... I don't rly mind but I still think he should focuses his efforts on making a chan bot that actually stays in the channel... Everytime I watch Sam's site (www.metroid_prime.synthasite.com) I feel like I'm gonna threw up. He's such a bad leader, and yet, DST members are loyal to him like puppies (especially DST]Shun_Aran). Phaze finally decided to join clan URP after realizing that clan DF was about to die and that Shun tried to convert him. Phaze totally pwnt Shun with insults and now he must be mad as hell...Yet, he's probably still sucking Sam's cock. URP(Syndicate showed me a RP she started to make...It's quite horrible, but I have faith in her, I'm sure she'll become really good after making some maps. I let her use RP Ice Shard map. I'm still working on RP Mirage, and its really starting to look awesome. my objective is to do a desert RP that is better than RP irradiated Earth (belong me Irradiated Earth sucks, but lots of people actually like it). I'm gonna add "disable doodad state" and probably "comp wander" on the map. Here's a funny joke URP(Granted said: «why KKK looks like Nike?.... They both make niggaz run!» XD I know it's a lil bit racist, but yet true... April fool's tommorow guys, let's plan on doing a nice joke to DST ;P .
30 March 2009...
Lots of things happened today... I worked alot on RP Mirage, AoH allied us and said they'd help us in our fight against DST (even if its unecessary). I tempted to recruit new member, but it was unsuccesful... A certain HACKERY almost joined us with the name of URP)O.O but since he made a mistake in his name (it's URP( not URP)) he decided to give up and just keep his old account. some random people came in our channel, saying that a friend told them about URP and they wanted to join...We quickly realized that it could be a DST spy. Thats ironic, becuz 1 hour before it happenened, we planed on sending spies in clan DST... URP(Blaze and URP(swindle gave me suggestions for the new RP, thx guys. A random guy asked if he could take my map and I said: «yeah, go ahead, steal it, I don't mind.». I hosted a game, the first guy who joinned it said I was the shittiest RP maker ever, the second who joined said I was the best RP maker... And I finished my time on b.net with a nice RP with swindle. I decided to play Halo Trial after talking to my gf and some friends on msn. And I'll spend another week without working at Mc Donald's, lol.
29 March 2009...
First great and funny new: Sam (Metroid_Prime) joined DST and became the leader of their clan, Pablo let himself stepped on by a disney fanatic guy...How pathetic... I've started working on my new RP: RP - Mirage (thx for the name URP(Zeroofdark). It's my 2nd desert RP and it looks great so far. Neko_Rob officialy left the clan, he's now back in AoH. Gawd... Its getting harder to remember the event of a day...oh yeah, I played a public RP including swindle and Azuna and some fans of mine. I had to go take my diner while I was working on my base and, while I was eating, Azuna decided to spawn a bunch of wraiths, SCVs and spaceports in my base and give them to me. When I got back at the computer he said: «0blivion! YOU FUCKING MASSER!» so I asked to swindle who made all this shit in my base and he told me it was Azuna. I massed the wraiths he gave to me on his base and destroyed it to get my revenge >:D . He got rly mad at me and left the game, he said he wouldnt RP with me anymore and insulted me... Soon after, we talked to eachother like 2 soulmates. Lol. I played a melee with swindle and Phaze. We were all together against 2 comps and we uhm....got pwned by the 2 insane zergs (especially you Phaze). now that I had 1 defeat, I wanted to have 1 victory so my ratio wouldnt suck. So I played another melee (only with Phaze this time) we were both against a single Terran comp. I made lurkers as soon as possible and make sure the comp wouldnt be able to build anything else. then, me and Phaze had fun making a shitload of zergling and mutas and keeping them in front of the Terran base (without attacking him tho) and, we eventually attacked it and pwned the comp's base in less than 30 seconds...
28 March 2009...
I never started to write on my diary so early (9:48 am), you must be asking yourself why I'm not waiting until the day is finished to write this. That's only because I have a really busy day: it's my grandma's 80 years old birthday, we'll have lots of visitors and even a new born baby (I'm his uncle :P) and tonight I'll play Risk with my friends, wich usually takes 2 or 3 hours and then after we'll probably play video games and eat chips and popcorn. So whatever...The only thing I wanted to write today is: GranTed decided to come back in URP since Pablo and Shocko suck at RPing! I really doubt the clan DST will last really long with only 2 members in it...
*14 hours later*
well, now it's 11:38 pm lol... And I finally had time to go on b.net (not rly long tho). URP(Neko_Rob said he may leave and he said that: «no offense but your leader skills suck». He told me a leader need to listen and understand and help his members... Well Rob, why should I listen to a guy that accuse me for the rape of his "female dog form" and got pregnant from it?! I'll listen to you when you'll finally make a line between your imagination and the reality. A new member joined us: URP(Azuna, wich is an old friend of mine and swindle who once was calle "TheGoblin"...I still remember when I met him, he was the most insane guy I ever seen (about 2 time worst than Blaze) but now he changed, and he seems like a really good guy, I can't wait to RP with him. And finally, Phaze hosted a melee map and left it once it was started cuz the map sucked (I got raped by a zergling rush soon after)... Srsly Phaze, you could have played the map even if it wasnt cool enough for you... Have a good day, past myself...
*14 hours before*
«Have a good night, future myself»
27 March 2009...
Me and Phaze will start to make a new space RP (wich will look like harvester a lil bit) and URP(Blaze wants me to do a desert RP. I've had fun with pablo on the meebo chat room of the site and he later logged on. Blaze and Phaze had an insane arguing. Pablo were inviting everyone to join his RPs, but I didnt want to join since I had a bad RPing experience with him, same goes for URP(swindle. So Pablo said to all clan members: «0bliv and swindle are real jerks». So I just said: «It's not that we are jerks Pablo, it's just that ur RPing skills sucks». And I bet he got rly angry from this comeback since he decided to create a new revolutionnary clan wich include Himself ( DST]Puhweezy ), DST]GranTed and DST]Rain ( wich is actually URP(Shockocats ). I've always doubted of these guys RP skills, so I don't really mind if they decided to leave, neither if they decide to be a "anti-0blivion clan". So uhm...I'm not considering clan DST as our ennemies, but as a bad RPing clan... Oh and, since we suddently lost 3 members, I suggest to everyone in the clan to recruit, thank you...Maybe should I learn to be less rude with members too...I'm sorry guys if I can be mean sometimes... I'm just trying to be as honnest as possible.
26 March 2009...
Wtf, Synthasite will now be called "Yola"...what a sucky name...it's sounds like Yoda but with a touch of espanol... I've started to RP with URP(swindle, URP(Guerilla and URP(Pabloroxs. URP(swindle is as imaginative as always, URP(Guerilla matched in story (he took time but he managed to) and URP(Pabloroxs... He's not a bad RPer but... He doesnt seems to understand that magic doesnt suit in future RPs, and his characters are all a lil bit weird (they are all 14 years old) and he talks about ghosts, spirits, etc... I think he'd be better in past RPs than futures. And sometimes he happen to contradict himself (his character, Horohoro (weird name btw) was at first 14 years old, then he swapped to 20 million years old...). Tho, I liked to RP with Guerilla and, swindle, as always, u're the best RPer I know :P (pretty nice immitation of a german accent btw). I've been very rude with Pablo, but I just wanted to be sure he'd understand the message. Here's my favorite part of the RP :
- URP(0blivion: Oron: Stop wasting energy on teleporting you idiot
- URP(Pabloroxs: Horo: I'm not teleporting!
- URP(0blivion: Oron: Oh srry, you are gay-porting
- URP(Pabloroxs: Horo: I am riding underground!
- URP(swindle: not to be mean but, you were riding dicks underground?
- *LOL spam from everyone except Pablo*
That was rly funny (except for Pablo, of course). and tomorrow (wich is in 20 minutes at the time I'm currently writing this) there's no school! :D I keep thinking about making a new RP map, but I srsly don't know what...I used most of terrain theme... I'm open to suggestions! (they must be for future or mixt RPs tho...) Oh and, welcome in the clan URP(Syndicate! (she tooks like 1 hour to find that name lol).
25 March 2009...
Yay, today I recruited 3 guys in no time: URP(Zeroofdark, URP(Guerilla and URP(Warrior. URP(Zeroofdark was in fact a friend of mine I lost when Warden banned hacking accounts. URP(FEAR left the clan for good, Shocko will maybe leave too... I don't give a shit about FEAR, but I'll miss Shocko if he leaves :( . I cant see my gf during 2 months cuz her parents punished her for having bad notes on a math exam (pretty insane reaction from her parents I must say)... 6 members stared a RP before I left B.net, I wonder if it was good... And my father keep saying that I "require more vespene gas" when I ask him a favor... XD
24 March 2009...
THE END! Me and swindle finally finished our great private RP story, I think it lasted for 4 or 5 months! We really had a great time doing those and it finally ended in a final epic boss battle between the good and the bad. Now, we're probably gonna start over a new story and include other clan members in it. oh and this time, I'd rather do something less uber... (when you are at the point of making lasers that annihlate all life in a galaxy, planning on controlling the universe, always making a character that is more powerful than the previous one, you've really gone uber). Uberness can be good, but only with moderation (Metroid_Prime dont know that...). Also, I'd like to be as original as possible, stealing characters from anime series or movies isnt ..."appropriate". I think GranTed and Pablo were interested in joinning our next private RPing, if someone else want, let me know. I think I said everything I needed to about RPing... I've talked about sex during a while in the channel with the members and GranTed got pissed at me when he saw that there was jesus in the picture of the week... I've agreed to change it since I know most of clan members are christians, but thats the last time I'll do an exeption for a religious cause, because as you probably already know, I'M AN ATHEIST AND PROUD OF BEING IT. I just don't understand how you guys can believe in something you cant explain...w/e... I respect your opinion, whatever it is.
23 March 2009...
Today is a very special day, my goldifsh died there's 3 months of that and I havent flushed him yet ^^. I did an angry face when I realized that episode 101 of Naruto Shippuden will be released the next week since its a 1 hour edition -_- . I really dont know what push me to listen to watch that japanese manga shit, it seems that everytime I start to watch an anime serie, I gotta see all the episodes. Thats why I'm trying to not watch any other so I wont get addicted. Surprise! I did the glitch thing another time with Phaze and this time I tried it with broodlings, the result was nothing else than a probe holding Nexus debrits, AND IT DIDNT CRASH! I could even move it! but the debrits eventually disapeared :( . I played a drawing contest in wich Phaze was the judge. at first, he was giving me the points (because I was totally owning the other ^^) but when I told him to shut his mouth off when he was giving me suggestions, he got angry and decided to give the point to Kate121 (yeah, we reconciliated eachother, isnt that nice?) And some rumors says that URP(Halo ,also called Clan_URP, still believes that there's ranks in the clan and that he's the "3rd in command". just in case the message didnt entered in your mind (and I'm not only talking to Halo here) THERE'S NO RANK. of course, since I'm the maker of the clan, I'm doing stuff that other cant do, such as working on the website, but I've always been open to your suggestions, never gave you orders or disrespect you (Well, actually I insulted some clan members sometimes, but it was only to make them realize that their way to act was wrong, I never insult anyone for pleasure). I spent 2 hours playing Halo Trial at the end of the day, I made a fabulous round with 85 kills, 2 flags and 10 deaths. (btw, all the kills have been made with pistol or road kill). WHAT A GORGEOUS DAY! ^^