-The way to act:  Try to not bother anyone, be generous, help noobs but also try to be yourself, we like diversity.

-Hierarchy:   the only higher grade is prime minister, but even so, every members are equal...

-Grades:   Everyone is the minister of something ( URP(0blivion is the Prime Minister ) However, you can have a speciality, like map making, webmaster, bot programmer, etc.

-Profile:   Write your grade, a quote and the website's link

 «What do we do in clan URP?»

Well, URP actually means "United RolePlayers". So I guess we RP alot. but we also like playing other UMS, chatting about stupid things, arguing about the stupidest things, playing "who would win?" game, laughing at clan MP (especially at their foolish leader, Metroid_Prime), talking about scientific stuff, talking about sex and women, making annoying faces (o-o :3 >:l >:D O.o), talking about our day, Making new characters for our RPs, testing maps, etc.

We, in fact, do almost anything...